Chapter 2 - from Bern to World
The previous blog entry dates back to end of January 2016. Much further than we intended to, our initial plans and priorities got mixed up a little in the meanwhile. Hence the new blog follows only now – with an apology to our readers and giant “Thank you!” to our customers from all over the world who are in some way responsible for the delay in blogging.
The word about ICONSPEAK has spread fast, far and wide since our launch on 1st February 2016. We have grown our customer base to 70+ countries, have visitors from 200+ countries, changed structures and processes. A lot has changed; many night sessions were necessary in order to cope with all the things that happen once your business suddenly features on the front pages of international news majors.
We are really happy to see how our products and mainly our WORLD EDITION shirts are encountering a positive resonance from all over the world. While initially a bit bold, the .dot world of our domain was not chosen by accident – and now proves true every day. The feedback that we get is very encouraging and also signals us in which directions our product lines should go next. The possible applications of an icon based language are vast, a shirt is only one of them. That being said we are of course also open to critical and constructive feedback regarding our works.
To better serve our customers internationally we are now building up collaborations with selected partners and retailers in various countries. In order to stay tuned about the ongoing developments we highly recommend to follow our social media channels @iconspeak (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram), links can be found on our homepage:
We want to share with you some of our experiences we had while developing our WORLD EDITION shirt. Specifically, in the next blog we will share some of the experiences Flo made while testing different samples of the WORLD EDITION in Latin America – stay tuned!
Very interesting !!!